
Loksins kominn tími á sólarvörn/Finally it's time for sunscreen.

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Niđurstöđur foreldrakönnunar 2021

Niđurstöđur foreldrakönnunar skólapúlsins eru komnar á heimasíđu leikskólans og eru ađgegnilegar hér.
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A stricter measures taken against COVID-19 from 24 March to 31 March 2021.

Alarming number of new COVID-19 cases causes a stricter regime of measures against the COVID-19 pandemic takes effect throughout Iceland as from midnight tonight, Wednesday 24 March 2021. Most gatherings will be limited to 10 people, not counting children born in or after 2015. The changes are not so great – and we will get through this again.
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Leikskólinn Tröllaborg  |  Sími: Hólar 453 5760/Hofsós 453 7333  |  Netfang: