Gćtum öll ađ persónulegum sóttvörnum!/Let's all take care of personal infection control!

Minnum alla á ađ gćta ađ persónulegum sóttvörnum og foreldrar/forráđamenn eru beđnir um ađ mćta međ grímu ţegar ţeir koma međ og sćkja börn sín í leikskólann. Sömu reglur gilda nú í leikskólanum og hafa veriđ í gildi ţrátt fyrir ađ létt hafi veriđ á samkomutakmörkunum yfir allt land t.d. tveggja metra reglan, grímuskylda foreldra/forráđamanna o.ţ.h.

We remind everyone to take care of personal infection prevention and parents are asked to wear a mask when they come and pick up their children at the kindergarten. The new regulation by the Minister of Health, which will take effect tomorrow all around Iceland, does NOT apply to Skagafjörđur. We are still working according to the same regulation as for the weekend, i.e. the 2-meter social distancing rule between indiwiduals, parental obligation and so on.


Leikskólinn Tröllaborg  |  Sími: Hólar 453 5760/Hofsós 453 7333  |  Netfang: trollaborg@skagafjordur.is